
Manufacturing encompasses a broad range of processes from simple primary process like casting, rolling, extrusion, forging, etc., to secondary processing like sheet forming, machining, and powder metal based process like press and sintering, etc. Sheet metal forming is a very broad group of processes used extensively in automotive manufacturing, can manufacturing, etc. Tertiary process involves welding and fabrications for various applications.  Some of the new developments in manufacturing included additive manufacturing (AM), 3D printing, laminate process, etc.

At TTL, we have limited capability to support development of casting (standard ingot casting like DC, VDC, HDC, EM casting etc., as well as net shape like die casting, investment casting, etc.) processes and thermomechanical processing involving rolling, forging, and extrusion of traditional metallic materials like carbon and alloy steels, light alloys like aluminum, magnesium and titanium alloys. We also have limited experience in processing nonmetallic materials like polyolefins (PE, PP, etc.), Polyamides (Nylons, Kevlar, etc.) and other engineering plastics and composites.  We have capability to simulate some of the traditional processes using our load frames, and small scale rolling mills. We support several new generation aerospace and energy product OEMs in the area of material development.  We also support several small manufacturers in trouble shooting process and product related issues.

Contact us for your needs.

Touchstone is committed to providing its customers with quality, reliable test results. That is why we have undertaken the rigorous steps needed to meet and secure the most stringent of test lab accreditations including ISO/IEC 17025, NADCAP 7101 (Materials Test Lab) and NADCAP 7122-I (Non-Metallics Materials Testing).

1094 Middle Creek Road
   Triadelphia, WV 26059

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