Corrosion resistance testing assesses the impact of corrosive atmospheres on components, coatings, etc. In corrosion testing materials and components are exposed to corrosive atmospheres to assess the impact of on material performance and/or appearance. Test conditions in standard tests are designed to accelerate corrosion that may occur in service environments.
Capability – At TTL, we test materials, components and coatings for a variety of customers from aerospace, automotive, truck OEMs as well as mining, metals, and coating manufacturing markets. We have several environmental cabinets to run salt spray, salt fog, acidified salt spray, etc., on small test coupons to full sized components like truck wheels, auto wheels, etc.
Some relevant standards:
Touchstone is committed to providing its customers with quality, reliable test results. That is why we have undertaken the rigorous steps needed to meet and secure the most stringent of test lab accreditations including ISO/IEC 17025, NADCAP 7101 (Materials Test Lab) and NADCAP 7122-I (Non-Metallics Materials Testing).